When we take over a website or an internet marketing campaign from another provider or from a client who’s been doing their own online marketing, one of the first things we do is review their…
Those of you who visit this site regularly may have noticed a few changes – yes, we made time in our schedule to work on our own website! Feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive, and…
In our day to day work at Ascendancy we look at hundreds of websites every day from almost every industry you could think of. We look at our own websites of course, but we also do search engine and…
You’ve probably never noticed, but at Ascendancy we call ourselves a ‘Website optimisation company’ as opposed to a ‘Search engine optimisation company’. The difference is that we recognise…
We’re big fans of WordPress at Ascendancy. The open source blog/CMS is our tool of choice when building new sites for many of our clients. It’s dead simple for clients to add new content to their…
As we work on our clients’ websites, we often see the same issues recurring across multiple projects. One particularly tricky issue that we frequently come up against is when a client is…
If you’ve recently redesigned your website, or made some major changes to its content or functionality, you probably didn’t give a second thought to what happened to the ‘old’ version of the…